Wednesday, April 8, 2009

24 weeks tomorrow! 3rd trimester!!

Ok so let me start this blog off by saying that I am pretty sure I have a future soccer player growing in my belly. Everyday I become more amazed at the new sensations and movements my baby is creating in my body. I have felt kicks, punches, and what feels like summersaults going on. I’ve been telling people that if movement in the womb dictates what type of personality the baby will have, this is going to be one hyper child! The baby seems to become most active at night when I am sleeping or laying down and when either Kyle or I have a hand on my stomach. The most uncomfortable feeling has been when the baby has put pressure on my bladder and caused a sudden and strong urge for me to pee. I don’t know if I just haven’t talked to many pregnant woman or if its just something you have to experience yourself until you can fully understand it, but I never imagined it would feel like this. I never imagined how frequently or how strong the movements the baby created in my belly would be. I love when I am reminded of my baby’s presence throughout the day and it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. It’s a special bond that I know I will miss once the baby is born!

Has anyone ever noticed a lack of cute and affordable maternity clothes?? I have yet to purchase any new maternity items (well, excluding two new sports bras) and it is starting to become a problem. You would think that with the MANY added expenses of a new baby the last thing a pregnant woman would have to worry about spending money on would be maternity clothes right??? WRONG! Motherhood Maternity did not have a single pair of cute pants or shorts for less then 40 dollars!! That may not seem like a lot to some, but I am really cheap and have always been an extreme bargain shopper. I just cannot justify spending hundreds of dollars on clothes I am going to wear for 3 months and I am really disheartened by the fact that there seems to be no available maternity clothes for a person on a budget. I figured Target would have some cute clothes for sure, but all of their maternity clothes were either ugly, too Grandma (no offense Mom ☺), or seemingly not even made for a woman’s body. Sorry if I am ranting and raving, it just makes me angry and it is becoming very annoying unbuttoning my pants every time I sit down. I may be going to the outlets on Hilton Head this weekend and my Mom says they have awesome deals at a maternity store up there so hopefully I will have some luck!

So we finally did our registry at Babies R Us this past Friday. We were there for 3 ½ hours and didn’t even finish everything! It was funny because when we started we gave serious thought about each item we scanned but by the end we were scanning everything and anything that seemed useful or appealing. I have started to realize how much stuff a little 7-pound baby needs!! I never realized how many types of bottles, pacifiers, strollers, cribs, breast pumps, monitors, etc. there are!!! Everything requires a decision because there are 100 brands out there that are all offering you the exact same thing. It was both fun and difficult but definitely a memorable experience. My baby shower up here in Kennesaw that Ashley G., Jessie, and Ashley C. are planning for me is going to be Sunday May 3rd. Its going to include people from up here so if you didn’t get an invite then you will get one to my shower that will be held in Savannah. If I somehow forgot you or you would rather come to this one just let me know and it won’t be a problem at all!

I am going to have Kyle put up my recent pictures today. I have really grown the last few weeks and I cannot believe how big my belly is!! People in public are starting to ask me questions like “Is this your first baby?” or “Is it a boy or a girl?” and I love it. I’ve known I was pregnant for 5 months and its nice now that the rest of the world can tell too. ☺


  1. "I’ve known I was pregnant for 5 months and its nice now that the rest of the world can tell too. ☺ "

    Awwww! That part made me tear up for some reason. I guess because it's sweet :D

    <3 you girl!

  2. Im sooooo excited for you! Send me your registry info and your size I looked for some maternity outfits for you last week and I couldnt find cute stuff either which is funny that you mentioned that I thought it was just me lol... and your getting so big! I love your belly pics they are so cute! hope things are going great!

  3. Brittany, you can just go to Babies R Us, find a registry, and type in my name and it will come up. You can look at everything thats on it and theres pictures!! I actually went to a second hand maternity shop yesterday and found a pair of shorts! I was very excited!!

  4. Bran... I know you feel like your special bond will end after the baby arrives, but just think of the incredible bonding you will be able to have once you can hold him/her in your arms! And on a scholastic note... this entry was very well written! Bravo ;)

  5. I cannot wait for the beautiful baby to get here. You look adorable!!!
