Wednesday, June 24, 2009

34 weeks 6 days... Time to get those predictions in!

Brandie will be 35 weeks tomorrow! It's crazy that we are getting so close. Before you know it we'll have a baby! Brandie is doing such a good job. She is getting bigger every day, but she still looks great. We have tried to keep exercising every day. Hopefully we can keep it up until she delivers; it should help with the delivery and the recovery. Brandie has been to two appointments at the Birthing Center, and everything is going well. Everyone there is really nice and very helpful. Starting next week the appointments will be every week and we will begin to write the Birth Plan, which is just and outline of sorts for how you want the labor and delivery to go. All I want is for it to go smoothly with no problems!
We moved in to our apartment a couple of weeks ago and we are going back this weekend to arrange everything and get it ready for when we get back to Atlanta. The more we can get set up now the easier the transition will be. Going back to school so soon is going to be the hardest part of all of this. Depending on when the baby gets here we will only have between two and four or five weeks before classes start (if he/she is on time or early). But we can't rush him or her. Baby Finnegan will be here whenever he or she is ready and we will be waiting!

Since we are getting close, I have set up a website for everyone to put in their guesses for Baby Finnegan's gender, birthday, time of birth, weight, and length. Here is the link. The winner(whoever gets the closest on the most categories) will get a special gift from us! Also, I have a list of contacts in my phone that I will send text updates to when the big day comes, so if you would like to be added to it there is a place on the form for your info. That's it for now, we'll keep everyone posted with any updates!

1 comment:

  1. OH its gonna exiting movement when you got your first baby in your hand!!And I think its all ready done.Who is come....boy or girl?there is no any fresh news from you that means you both enjoying your parenting now a days.
    r4i sdhc
